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Happy Hour, Mexico - Food Gypsy

Mexico, the Return

Cancun. Just a few miles south, Puerto Morelos. It’s become a second home. For the first time in my life – I bought a one way ticket that took me to Mexico. It felt like freedom. In the heat, I am waiting on a friend. He said he’d be here and he will.
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Fur kids, Dragonfly - Food Gypsy

The green, green grass that was home

Let it never be said that being a grown up is all fun and games. With the responsibilities we take on there come times when we must make very uncomfortable choices. We know they are the ‘right’ choices... but there lingers for a time a deep sadness and doubt before moving on to acceptance.
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Mexico, Puerto Morelos - Food Gypsy

Make Mine Lime, Thoughts on Mexico

Living on Mexico time. To be honest, I’m more than comfortable with 'relaxed'. The heat and humidity fill me, wandering, completely without purpose, soaking in small town Mexico on the Mayan Riviera. It’s easy to be enchanted by Puerto Morelos.
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