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Sprouts on the sill - Food Gypsy

Sprouts are up!

Amazing how plants thrive when they have what they need, a bit of dirt, some sunlight and a little hydration.  My little eco-sprouts are growing like proverbial weeds.  Pumpkins, sunflowers and geraniums are up and leaning into the light on the sills of my kitchen.

Sadly the squash seeds, a few years old did not pop their little green leaves above the soil line.  They were planted in eggshells, a new experiment and not my favorite seedling method.  Hard to water, and so porous, they dry out fast, I think I prefer the paper cartons they come in.

Our resident magnolia suffered the most, it’s beautiful blossoms turned to brown mush by the frost.  But with all the rain it seems to be doubling it’s efforts with a whole new round of flower petals.   I love how Mother Nature responds to crisis, just double down.  Let’s face it, she wins more than she looses.

Now, if it would just stop dipping below zero and pouring rain, I could beat back the weeds and dig in the dirt.

Cori Horton

Fearlessly cooking in her home kitchen just outside Ottawa, Canada; Cori Horton is a food photographer, food marketing consultant, recipe developer and sustainability advocate. A Cordon Bleu trained chef, Cori spent five years as the owner of Nova Scotia's Dragonfly Inn and now shares all things delicious - right here.

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