The kitchen is the great equalizer. Food doesn’t care about the colour of your skin…

The Many Flavours of LIFE
“Tell me how it tastes… is it salty or sweet? Is it bitter or is it bland? Did you even… taste it?”
When was the last time you slowly licked the bowl? When was the last time you indulged in ice cream straight from the container? Drank milk from the carton? Broke the rules? Laughed until your sides hurt? Cried until there were no more tears?
When was the last time you went to the movies and said “BUTTER. LOTS OF BUTTER!”
When was the last time you ordered dessert?
For too long I lived in a box. It was a lovely box… a big box… but still, a box with a lid. Expectations were killing me. Mine mostly. How sweet the taste for freedom when you allow yourself a little indulgence.
It is a slippery slope… first a little sip… then next thing you know you are hip deep in chocolate sauce and whipped cream and a smile a mile wide.
I choose the sweet life. I am learning to live with easy… which is much harder than it sounds.
In throwing off the lid I found new tastes, sensations and favours. Some I like. Some I choose not to taste again. I’m not a big fan of bitter… but I love the taste of lemon.
After the bitter, the sweet is… sweeter.
Life without salt is bland and lacking. Why lack when there is so much to love?!
On this journey of discovery I am joined by those as crazed as me. Some itch for newness, some for comfort, others for those things they have yet to experience.
“Your plate is too busy” says chef Armando. GOOD! Look at those gorgeous candied oranges, I made those! I’m showing them off and the ‘cigarettes au amandes’ cookies that rolled so perfectly. Yup, made those too. I’m not settling for ‘less’ anymore.
Less is not more… more is more! Less is for pain and loneliness. Less is for toothaches and debt. I’m in the mood for MORE. Load it up… give me cream and sugar and if my plate is too full, I’ll just grab another! I can cope with more.
My father’s watchwords of “hard work” and “toil” just don’t seem to work for me now… that works is just the opposite… path of least resistance has replaced the rocky road.
Rocky Road… is for ice cream!
(mmmmm… ice cream…)
Live your sweet life!

oooohh… that is the exact same salt I use too! “Sel de Camargue”.
I ALWAYS lick the bowl.
I ALWAYS eat ice cream from the container and drink milk from the carton.
I ALWAYS order LOTS of butter on my popcorn.
Often, I ONLY order dessert!
I may be doing some things right after all! Thank you Corinna!
For too long I lived in a box. It was a lovely box… a big box… but still, a box with a lid. Expectations were killing me. Mine mostly. How sweet the taste for freedom when you allow yourself a little indulgence.
That we should all be so freeeeeeeee…
May life always be… sweet!
~ Corinna
YES, that was me who took those gorgeous pictures of the beatiful gypsy!
And YES, I am now famous!!(so is my beautiful cigarette) haha
Laughing so hard your sides hurt, we did that the other day :) haha good times.
yeah, I’m as crazy as you. Thats why we mesh so well!
Ice cream date soon? following our colonnade date