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The Red Apron's Jennifer Heagle - Food Gypsy

The Red Apron, Good Food is Good Business

The recently expanded Red Apron, is among my favourite food outlets in Ottawa's downtown core. Selling their own brand of sophisticated comfort food for pick-up or delivery, Jennifer Heagle and business partner Jo-Ann Laverty have created a business model that is at once simple and sophisticated. Good food, reasonably priced and ready to serve.
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Lucky Charms, T&T Supermarket - Food Gypsy

T&T Supermarket – “OH WOW!”

With Chinese New Year just around the corner, it was time for a family outing to the local T&T Supermarket for authentic Asian ingredients and an infusion of new ideas for the Gypsy Kitchen. Decked out in it's new year finery, with colorful lanterns hanging overhead, T & T…

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Annapolis Royal Market, John Elliot - Food Gypsy

To Market We Go

Farmers Markets are a $3Billion dollar business in Canada alone, because now 92% of consumers say buying directly from a farmer is important to them.
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La Bottega Nicastro - Food Gypsy

La Bottega Nicastro – Buon Appetito!

There is little else that can comfort, soothe and completely quiet; mind, body and soul quite like Italian food. Elegant in its simplicity and selective in its ingredients, Italian is (by far) my favourite food and the reason I'm a fan of La Bottega Nicastro.
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