What could be better on a hot summer day than a big, cold glass of…
Wino Wednesday – Wine of the Month Club, November ’11
Wino Wednesday, our monthly feature on Food Gypsy with some of our favorite picks, this way you two whole days before the weekend hits so you can go shopping. (‘Cuz Lord knows, you need your wine.) On this (mostly) Wino Wednesday we’re getting caught up on old business; seems we got all wrapped up in the holidays and skipped November. (Mon du!)
So, here’s the deal; we mistakenly took the De Bortoli Deen Vat 10 Pinot Noir 2008 to a mixer with folks we didn’t know,a decision we immediately regretted when we returned for a second glass to find the bottle empty. We were then forced to choose from the varying grades of plonk that remained. If we’d been smart we would have stayed at home with two big glasses.
Oh well, perhas we introduced someone to decent wine, I can live with that. A big, fresh and juicy pinot with a hint of spice and twang, the De Bortoli Deen Vat 10 is an excellent value at $13.95 and our pick of the month for November. Dam but I love a good pinot. Gypsy Score Card: 93/100.
Next time I’m going to whip up a big, cheesy pasta and drink it all by myself… OK I might share it with my guy. Maybe. Only if he’s cooking.
For more wine reviews; Food Gypsy is also a featured blogger (under my semi-real name) at: http://www.nataliemaclean.com/member/207282/gypsy
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