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Duck Confit Grilled Cheese - Food Gyspy

Smoked Gouda Duck Confit Grilled Cheese

The Smoked Gouda Duck Confit Grilled Cheese is a standard casual entertaining food at Chez Gypsy et B. One of Chef B’s little treasures; it’s savory and smoky with just a hint of salty, buttery toasted-ness, and always a big hit.  Now it can be a big hit in your house.

It’s — irresistible.

We hosted a small soiree this weekend, a “Winey Cheesy Evening” with a few friends who enjoyed a gooey fondue, a spiced chocolate soufflé and this little number.  So simple and easy, it just takes s bit of prep.

Duck Confit, is French tradition; duck legs salt cured and then poached in its own fat.  You can, of course, make it yourself (which we’ll do another day on Food Gypsy) but it takes hours so in this application we’re taking a short-cut straight to your grocer’s cooler.

Duck_Confit_Package Duck_Confit_Shredded

Duck Confit is often available in the charcutarie section at your local super market or specialty store.  Packages contain two duck legs, packed in duck fat.  Shred the meat by hand breaking the fibers into shreds with your fingers.  Use a portion of skin as well (a little under half or to taste), breaking it apart with your fingers and mixing it with the lean meat.  This will help to keep the meat moist as it warms with the cheese.

The creamy white duck fat can be easily melted over low heat until liquefied then strained and stored in the fridge for later.  Or should I say “for ‘tader”; thinly slice some potatoes and fry until golden brown in duck fat and finish with coarse salt;  Pommes Salardaises (potato chips for big kids).

Duck_Confit_Grilled_Cheese_with_ Pommes_Salardaises.

A note on cheese:  Gouda is a wax rined cheese, so be sure to cut away the wax around the cheese before you grate… or you’ll have more than just duck in your teeth.

We’ll be featuring the other items on the menu this week on Food Gypsy, fun entertaining as leaves fall and friends gather.

Let’s start with a swanky little appetizer.


Smoked_Gouda_Shredded Duck_Confit_Grilled_Cheese_Prep_2 Duck_Confit_Grilled_Cheese

Duck Confit Smoked Gouda Grilled Cheese Recipe

Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Makes: 4 sandwiches


8 slices white enriched bread
1 wheel (150g) smoked Gouda, grated
2 legs (one package) duck confit, shredded
¼ cup salted butter – divided (as required)


  1. Pack layer of duck onto bottom bread slice, to cover; approximately ½ leg per sandwich.  Add layer of smoked Gouda, using about ¼ of the total cheese for each grilled cheese.  Top with second slice of bread. “Crush” lightly with a spatula or the flat of your hand so that the meat and cheese bind slightly.
  2. Melt approximately 2 tablespoons butter over medium heat until bubbling, then gently add sandwiches to toast until brown. Flip, careful not to spill contents. Add more butter as required so that bread is well coated and fries to a sexy golden-brown. Reduce heat to medium low, cover with lid or foil to brown and melt for 3 – 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat. Cut & serve.

The beauty of the  Smoked Gouda Duck Confit Grilled Cheese is that it can be prepped cold, then held (wrapped) in the fridge until you need it.  Perfect for parties.

Ignore the bulldog under the table… he thinks all cheese is his.

Smoked_Gouda_& Magnus
“We demand our cheese!” ~ Magnus The Great

Cori Horton

Fearlessly cooking in her home kitchen just outside Ottawa, Canada; Cori Horton is a food photographer, food marketing consultant, recipe developer and sustainability advocate. A Cordon Bleu trained chef, Cori spent five years as the owner of Nova Scotia's Dragonfly Inn and now shares all things delicious - right here.

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