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Chef Crawford`s hands, Ruby Watchco (

These Hands with Chef Lynn Crawford

In our recent conversation I asked Chef Lynn Crawford about the two tattoos in the center of her palms. "Why does everyone want to know about my tattoos!?" she says with an undertone of exasperation, but she is kind and indulges me. Forgive the question Chef but we, your people, want to know more about you - and your hands.
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Sprouting Chickpeas, Day 3 - Food Gypsy

Sprouting in the Kitchen

Sprouting chickpeas? Really?! In the Gypsy Kitchen? Oh yeah, we're spouting chickpeas, because it's fun. Nothing I like more than growing things then eating them. When we talk about food in terms of fuel and energy think for a moment about the amount of energy that a seed produces to grow. Sprouting increases the protein, essential amino acids, enzymatic activity, vitamins, and fiber content.
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