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Winter Vegetables - Food Gypsy

Eat Happy, Beat SAD – Food Vibe with Dr. Kubie

Up to 15% of the population is affected to some degree by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or what most of us call the winter blues. Low light levels effect our natural circadian rhythms, and natural light directly affects brain chemistry. We took this issue to our resident Food Gypsy Health & Wellness Advisor, Dr. Josef Kubinec, because positive mental health is just as important as good physical health. Time for a little Food Vibe with Dr. Kubie.
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Brumont Cotes de Gascogne 2010 - Food Gypsy

Wino Wednesday, Wine of the Month Club January

Brumont Cotes de Gascogne 2010, Gros Manseng / Sauvignon. The Gros Manseng grape is not a grape you read a great deal about; gown primarily in the South of France it's a great food pairing grape with a citrus nose and a low intensity, and our pick of the month for January.
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La Demoiselle de Sociando Mallet - Food Gypsy

Wino Wednesday – Wine of the Month Club, October 2011 Edition

Wino Wednesday, is a new feature on Food Gypsy, this gives you two whole days before the weekend hits so you can go shopping. ('Cuz Lord knows, you need your wine.) On this (Mostly) Wino Wednesday we feature our favorite wine(s) from the past month: La Demoiselle de Sociando Mallet '08, Béthanie, Arbois '07, and Pago del Vicario Penta Barrica '07.
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Occupy the Garden - Food Gypsy

Occupy the Garden

Critics can say what they like about the rise in status of the food industry in our society, to my mind it has given voice to some of the most dangerous people on the planet; chefs, cooks and farmers. They’ve turned us on to new tastes, brought us back into the kitchen, championed Slow Food and local produce. Many have been sounding a call to action, blocking GMO seeds, refusing to serve endangered species and going head-to-head with corporate backed policy makers. I plant a garden.
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Wine & Cheese, Italy - Food Gypsy

Wine & Cheese – Part 2; Italy, The Passion

Part 2 of our sexy wine & cheese liaison on Food Gypsy; six great bottles, five beautiful cheeses, and one wicked prosciutto in the heart of the Old World – Italy. You’ll notice that some of the wines pair well with several cheeses. You didn’t think Italian wines were only seeing one cheese, did you?
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Sprouting Chickpeas, Day 3 - Food Gypsy

Sprouting in the Kitchen

Sprouting chickpeas? Really?! In the Gypsy Kitchen? Oh yeah, we're spouting chickpeas, because it's fun. Nothing I like more than growing things then eating them. When we talk about food in terms of fuel and energy think for a moment about the amount of energy that a seed produces to grow. Sprouting increases the protein, essential amino acids, enzymatic activity, vitamins, and fiber content.
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