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Wine Swap - Food Gypsy

The Great Holiday Wine Swap

Cookie swapping parties are so 1990's, so I say why swap cookies when you can swap wine?  On this Wino Wednesday we give you a few tips on how to host your own Holiday Wine Swap Party.   It's the…

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Lucky Charms, T&T Supermarket - Food Gypsy

T&T Supermarket – “OH WOW!”

With Chinese New Year just around the corner, it was time for a family outing to the local T&T Supermarket for authentic Asian ingredients and an infusion of new ideas for the Gypsy Kitchen. Decked out in it's new year finery, with colorful lanterns hanging overhead, T & T…

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Asian Gingerbread Pear Cake - Food Gypsy

Asian Gingerbread Pear Cake

Two recipes adapt in dramatic contrast to create a new personal best. A far east twist on a holiday favorite, Asian Gingerbread Pear Cake is slightly sweet, moist and intense with the bright addition of poached pears for a show-stopping, simple cake; the prefect fit for holiday entertaining.
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